HH Tankering benefits from simplified compliance, improved cash-flow and less chatter

HH Tankering part of the TWS Group (Technical Waste Group)

Customer Profile


Waste Transport Management


To replace manual, paper-based
processes, and improve efficiency.

About the Company:

Based in East Harling, Norwich

Company Size:

16 vehicles (11 tractor units, 2 rigid
vehicles, 4 ADR outfits)

Business Concerns:

Needed to reduce manual effort, and
improve communications and visibility.

Mandata Solution:

Mandata GoPlus and integrated apps

“We looked at a range of transport management systems and when we had the Mandata GoPlus demo, we could just see everything we did in it. There was every piece of the puzzle, and all those pieces talked to each other.”

Andrew Clarke, Operations Manager

HH Tankering Services part of the TWS (Technical Waste Solutions) Group, has reported numerous benefits since implementing a Mandata GoPlus transport management system with integrated apps. Simplified compliance, greater visibility and faster invoicing have all helped to improve the operation.

The waste transport company, based in East Harling, Norwich, specialises in the transportation of liquid hazardous and non-hazardous waste throughout the UK.

With a team of 12 drivers, 11 tractor units, 2 rigid vehicles and 4 ADR outfits, they move industrial and chemical waste for utility companies such as Anglia Water, and organisations involved in gas production across the country.

When operations manager, Andrew Clarke joined the company, he says everything was on paper and information held on different computers made every-day processes difficult to manage, he explains: “I tried to solve some problems with spreadsheets, which helped immensely, but it was still very fragmented, and various parts of the systems didn’t talk to each other.

“We looked at a range of transport management systems and when we had the Mandata GoPlus demo, we could just see everything we did in it. There was every piece of the puzzle, and all those pieces talked to each other.”

Mandata Professional Services supported Andrew and his team through the implementation, providing training and helping them to set up information on the TMS. This included a full range of integrated apps that would be used to digitise the company’s processes; the Manifests Plus app with sat nav to maintain a digital audit trail from collection to delivery points, in the form of electronic waste transfer notes.

The Vehicle Checks app was also employed to record daily walk-around checks, simplifying compliance.  And to ensure flexibility and visibility across the driving team, HH Tankering chose a combination of phone-based and vehicle tracking for real-time, automated updates in the TMS, along with Tacho Now for automated tacho downloads.


“We are doing it as well as we can because all the information is to hand, when we need it. The job planner is very malleable, and systems link to each other

Andrew Clarke, Operations Manager

Improved visibility as we plan

With a wholly integrated system, Andrew’s team is now benefiting from everything linking together.  Information is displayed in one place, on one screen, and this has made life easier for him and his traffic planning team. And, as the job planner can be configured to each individual user’s requirements, allowing planners to work the way they like, this has also all made a big difference to his team, Andrew explains:

“We are doing it as well as we can because all the information is to hand, when we need it.”

“The job planner is very malleable, and systems link to each other. So we know where a lorry is going to be. And we have the visibility we need when we’re planning, as we know if a lorry’s going in for MOT prep, or if a driver’s going to be on holiday which makes life a lot easier.”


Mobile apps replace paper, saving time and improving compliance

Now the team is no longer reliant on paper-pads, the quality of work has also improved.

“Drivers aren’t always great administrators, so they can make lots of mistakes, potentially, on their paperwork.

“We now avoid that, which certainly helps reduce admin time in the office. We were spending a lot of time interpreting paperwork and now we can just pull that out of the Mandata system without having to speak to any drivers.”

Andrew continues: “It helps in lots of ways to be honest, because we can obviously give the work to the drivers immediately, as soon as the job is uploaded to the system, so they know what they’re doing. They know of any changes happening, and as we avoid wasting time talking on the phones, we’re getting on with the job quicker.”

The ManifestsPlus app also allows HH Tankering to capture all the information they need in real time in terms of proof of delivery.

“We know when a job’s been done or when a driver’s en route to their next job, or wherever they are in that process.  It also helps with efficiency in the office. Without sounding a bit unkind, it sort of minimises that interaction you have to have with your drivers so you’re not spending aimless time talking for talking sake.”

Andrew says transport managers still check in with drivers regularly, but it doesn’t mean they have to contact them, as regularly.  “They can just give them their work, they can acknowledge the work on the tablet and then everyone can move on and get on with the tasks they need to get on with, so it definitely helps in terms of efficiencies.”


Cash-flow improvements

The Mandata GoPlus TMS has also helped to improve invoicing and cash flow.

“The system just allows us to very regularly invoice and very quickly invoice. So, what used to take us a few days to get prepared and get invoiced out, we can probably now do that in a morning.”

One of the Mandata features Andrew says he values the most, is the customer surcharge element.  That’s taken a huge amount of the administration out of applying the fuel surcharge. We wanted to avoid just blanketly putting our costs up, because it’s something we have to do regularly anyway, and we didn’t want another reason to have to do that, so we thought it was it was a fair to do that way and that really does help.”


Simplified waste regulation compliance

The waste transport sector is heavily regulated, with intricate audit trails and quarterly returns to be made to the Environment Agency.  All this is extremely difficult for businesses operating with manual, paper-based processes. The Mandata GoPlus TMS has specific features for the waste transport sector, both in the TMS and the Manifests app and so it was a win, win for HH Tankering, Andrew explains:

“In terms of waste regulation compliance, every single load that we move must be moved under an EWC code and have a waste transfer note with the lorry. Mandata has helped us to do that, because all the jobs are pre-populated and so every job has got its waste stream in there with its EWC code already recorded.  And then the system automatically generates a waste transfer note which will then be emailed to the customer once either the job is done, depending on how the customer wants it, or with the invoice.

“GoPlus allows us to stay compliant with our paperwork. Also, as sometimes drivers will ask other drivers what EWC code a lorry should be on, they can get that wrong.  The system determines exactly what’s needed and once it’s set in the office, it can’t be deviated from, so it helps to keep everything as accurate as it can be.”


Easier vehicle inspections

Andrew says one of the biggest benefits of the GoPlus TMS has been driver Vehicle Checks. “Now we have again all of that in one place, and it’s not paper related, which can be lost, having daily checks recorded on the Vehicle Checks app certainly allows us to comply with any defects that we get reported from drivers and make sure we correct those and record that they’ve been done regularly.”


Increased Customer Satisfaction

“Customers are getting all of their information more professionally, and more promptly, and they’re getting their invoices quickly and they’re getting the service that they want, so it’s definitely helped in all those all those categories.”

HH Tankering Services are optimistically driving forwards into the future, equipped with the latest transport management and communications technology to support its continued growth. And, with Mandata beside them, providing continued support and training, the future is looking bright for this growing company.


Simplify compliance with a Mandata TMS