Mandata in the Community

Mandata are passionate about the community, and working alongside charity organisations to help give something back to those that need it the most.

For any organisations wishing to work with us, please reach out below.

Mandata and Newcastle West End Foodbank
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Newcastle West End Foodbank

Newcastle West End Foodbank does vital work for those less fortunate within the community, helping to provide essential food for families across Newcastle.

Our colleagues Jack HallCaitlin ThomsonMark GilstonCraig Large & Sam Helme dedicated their time rolling up their sleeves, sorting items and packing essential family food parcels to support the Newcastle West End Food Bank, the largest food bank in the UK. We look forward to coming back over the next few months.

A huge thank you to Newcastle West End Food Bank (The Trussell Trust) for providing us with this incredible opportunity to volunteer! 💚🌍

The Children's Foundation

The Children's Foundation

Some of our colleagues met with Susan Jones from our partner charity, The Children’s Foundation, to hand over £830.00 in donations.

The Children’s Foundation focuses on enhancing the health and wellbeing of vulnerable children across the North East of England. The charity launched TCF Baby Box in early 2023, aiming to lay the groundwork for a happy, healthy life for all children in the North East, starting from infancy. TCF Baby Box includes developmentally stimulating toys, games, and books around the key themes: love and laugh, play, read, sing and talk and count and is built to give newborn babies in vulnerable families, the ‘best’ start in life.

We are grateful to have the opportunity to partner with such an important local charity and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.


Mandata is behind Movember!

Our wonderful Mandata Mo Bros and Sisters have spent November supporting Movember. Growing their mo’s and moving for mental health.
Our Mandata Movember team raised a massive £695 for the Movember cause, a charity that tackles issues surrounding Men’s physical and mental health! With a £250 donation from Mandata.
Thank you to all who took part, and for the fantastic support and donations received for a very worthy cause.

Celebrating our colleague, Fran Power!

A huge congratulations to Fran for completing Ireland’s largest marathon this weekend in Dublin.
Thank you for setting a great example! You are an inspiration to us all, and we’re incredibly proud to have you as a part of our team.