Tapfreight innovate, avoiding customer’s own paperwork with electronic POD software

Mandata electronic POD software reduces customers own paperwork

Customer Profile


Palletised freight distribution


To avoid handling paperwork
during Covid-19 and minimise
time and costs associated with
handling customer’s own paperwork

About the Company:

Established in 1990, member of
The United Pallet Network and Hazchem

Company Size:

60 Vehicles

Business Concerns:

Risk of transferring Covid-19
and increasing workload related
to paperwork

Mandata Solution:

Mandata Enterprise TMS with
integrated Manifests (ePOD) app

As a result of the Covid-19 crisis, many hauliers are having to change processes and adapt systems to keep their drivers safe and wheels turning and for Tapfreight Ltd, this involved changes to their proof of delivery (POD) process with electronic POD software.

For the directors of Tapfreight Ltd, the Barnsley-based operator who specialises in the distribution of chemicals via the Hazchem network and pharmaceuticals in the UK and Europe, it was essential for them to reduce the risk of contact at the point of delivery.

Customer’s own paperwork still needed to be signed

Tapfreight use a Mandata Enterprise TMS transport management system and integrated Mandata driver’s Manifest (ePOD) app to capture electronic proof of delivery for most of their work. However, many of their customers insist on their own paperwork being signed in addition to electronic signature capture.

Once the Covid-19 pandemic struck, the company had to act quickly to protect staff by avoiding contact with the receivers of goods as much as possible.

One of the risk assessment outcomes was to find a way to eliminate the need for goods receivers to sign customer’s own paperwork or the drivers’ smartphones.

Mandata offered a neat solution

Mandata proposed a solution which automatically transposed the name of the receiver and the signature onto the electronic POD saving a delivery note in PDF format, which was also time and date stamped, avoiding all contact at the point of delivery.

Tapfreight director, Bob Milton explained: “The adaptation has literally been a lifeline for our drivers, business, and customers. It was essential for us to achieve a safer method of proof of delivery. Transposing the POD details straight on to the electronic delivery note was a neat solution which meant we were able to adapt quickly.”

With everything in place to implement the change in process, Tapfreight’s operation was able to continue safely, without disruption.

“We have been trying to convince customers for some time to go down the paperless route. Now we’ve proven we can eradicate the need for hard copy delivery notes, this is a major step forward for us. It has demonstrated to us what we already knew, that in this day and age it’s simply not necessary to lump around great wads of paper.”

Signing paper a thing of the past

Bob explained some of their customer delivery notes are 9 to 10 pages long: “Just one consignment can have 2 or 3 delivery notes and we’re required to get each of them signed. Since mid-March we stopped using customer’s own paperwork, and enclosed documents in wallets on the pallets. Customers have been very supportive and accepted that this was required to reduce the risk of Covid-19.”

“We’ll save a minimum of 4 hours a day in scanning alone”

Tapfreight has found there are other benefits to going paperless too. “If you ignore the current crisis, the efficiency gains in the traffic office will be huge; we can dramatically minimise time spent printing and scanning as well as significantly reduce costs.”

“Not only that, once we have scanned the signed documents, all that paperwork has to be securely destroyed, which is such an obscene waste. So, there is a big environmental benefit as well.”

“We have been trying to convince customers for some time to go down the paperless route. Now we’ve proven we can eradicate the need for hard copy delivery notes, this is a major step forward for us.”

Managing director, Tapfreight Ltd

Bob is confident paperless processes are here to stay. He said: “Some of our customers will want to go back to the way it was, but we’re going to adopt this as policy going forward. I’m guessing we’ll save at least 4 hours a day on scanning alone – but there will be more time saved on the planning side too. The benefits are real and significant for our business and not only that, they’re good for the environment.”

A bright new paperless world with daily invoicing

Now Tapfreight run invoicing daily, and as soon as the jobs are complete, they email the electronic documents and invoice to the customers, so they’re not having to wait for paperwork. With all documents being transported electronically, the company is on track to make huge efficiency and cost savings.

If you’d like further information about Mandata transport management systems and integrated electronic ePOD software, please click here to ask our team to call you back or request a demo.

Simplify, save, and prosper
– with a Mandata TMS