Driver Debrief - New to Mandata to simplify reporting for operators

One of the key advantages of Mandata transport management software and integrated solutions is being able to centralise information in one place, allowing quick and easy access to the latest data relating to customers and jobs. Our latest innovation is Driver Debrief.

The latest advancement within the Mandata TMS is an option to capture and record Driver Debrief information, simplifying how operators record issues, to monitor and drive continuous improvements in operational performance.

Comments from driver debriefs, whether it’s to find out why routes or schedules were not adhered to or identify problems with vehicles, can be recorded and reports produced within the Mandata TMS, using the Driver Debrief option.

Like to know more about Mandata Transport Management Software?

Request a brochure or contact us to arrange a demo to show you how Driver Debrief, and the rest of our TMS can work for you.