Mandata Attains ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 Certifications

A Testament to Excellence in Data Security and Quality Management

In a world where data drives businesses, there has never been a more important time to ensure that your data is safe, secure, and handled by a trusted partner. Failure in data handling can result in severe consequences for all involved and will directly impact on business reputation and customer retention. Having a technology partner that understands this and adheres to best practice with data security is therefore essential to business security.

Mandata, a leading provider of transport management software, has successfully achieved the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 data security accreditations, highlighting how highly data security is valued within the business, and how much the safety of customer information is prioritised.

It took us one year of extra work and commitment to get our ISO27001 and ISO9001 compliance certifications,” says Allan Farrell, Mandata Group’s Chief Technology Officer, “but it was absolutely worth it as these are the best frameworks for any business to implement – especially for a customer-centric software business like ours – as these are globally recognised standards of excellence. The dedication to get these standards implemented throughout the Mandata Group is a true indication of our commitment towards data security.”

Fundamentally, Mandata’s ISO accreditations provide a framework within which to assess our information security posture and drive improvements.

Let’s see what the main benefits of these accreditations offer Mandata customers:

ISO 27001: Keeping your data safe and secure

ISO 27001 is the leading, globally recognised accreditation gained by software companies, showcasing best practice in stringent information security, and continuously maintaining this best practice whilst holding the data. Proactively identifying potential risks and implementing vigorous deterrents helps businesses to become ISO 27001 accredited.

  • Peace of Mind: Seeing an ISO accreditation with a technology business partner gives businesses peace of mind that their data is being handled and controlled in the most safe and responsible way.
  • Data Best Practice: With this accreditation comes the guarantee that the software provider has a strong understanding of data security, and also showcases that they adhere to ISO accredited guidelines when handling data, making sure the customers’ information is safe.
  • Best in class technology: The certification gives the assurance that the technology provider is proactively ensuring that the most robust security systems are being deployed, with the highest levels of security being implemented, such as encryption, intrusion detection and prevention systems.

ISO 9001: Dedication to quality customer service

As a software provider, ensuring the best quality customer service and experience while using the product, is the most essential element to get right. Without this, longevity of software partnerships would be fractioned, and trust in providers would diminish. By achieving the ISO 9001 accreditation, Mandata has highlighted its dedication to quality customer care.

  • Customer-Centric: This places a strong emphasis on ensuring customer expectations are met, by delivering constant quality, understanding genuine customer needs, and making sure that all of this work is handled in the most efficient way for the customer.
  • Process Management: The certification defines a best-practice internal process which can be repeated and implemented focusing on the targeted and desired results for the customer.
  • Risk Management: Having the best processes in place helps to identify and prevent potential business risks going forward, and with ISO 9001, this shows that the business is prepared to handle and overcome any potential threats.

Mandata’s achievement of ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications is a significant milestone that reflects the dedication to excellence in data security and quality management.

Read more: The Cyber Security Guide for Hauliers