Driver Communications apps, for timely information on time, every time.

Share and receive information in real-time with a Mandata TMS and in-cab apps helping to keep your team and customers informed.

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WHAT OUr customers say:
“The Manifests app has made our driver’s lives easier, as there’s less paperwork to keep in the cab and work through. "
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What our customers say:
"Our drivers have more information about their delivery or collection points on their smartphones, and they can see addresses, any special instructions, phone numbers, route or access restrictions too.”

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Go paperless with a range of integrated apps.

Designed for quick and easy updates between your team, drivers and customers.

Are you waiting long periods for paperwork to be returned? Are tickets and paper POD’s getting lost or damaged?

We have mobile solutions to help you avoid using paperwork, speed up your operation and reduce costs.

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Save time, stay informed with electronic Proof of Delivery Manifest app.

Send job details to drivers, and receive instant job status updates and PODs in your TMS.

Mandata makes sending manifest details and receiving POD’s a quick and seamless process for you. Whether you employ your own drivers or sub-contractors, Mandata’s Manifest app for Android or iOS mobile devices enables job details to be sent from the TMS to each driver with details of jobs to do, in the order you’ve planned.

Job progression updates in your TMS keep planners informed that their jobs are going to plan. Job amendments at the point of collection or delivery give you the exact details you need if charging by weight, quantity or volume. Receive electronic signatures, photo PODs and non-conformance information in the TMS, and uploaded to a Customer portal on invoice.



Stay compliant and stay safe with Vehicle Checks app.

Paperless vehicle inspection checklist. Can be configured to include your own unique set of questions.

Drivers can carry out inspections on the working condition of your vehicles using their Android or iOS mobile devices, before commencing jobs. The results are then transmitted to Mandata for the relevant staff in the office to process.

To ensure visibility even when an internet connection is not available, the inspection details are also stored on the drivers’ mobile device and seamlessly synchronised with Mandata at the push of a button.

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Other Mandata apps

Enabling you to share information with team, and receiving timely updates in your TMS.

  • Team Admin app (Timesheets; driver shift hours, holidays and sickness and expenses).
  • Track and Track app for your customers (live load tracking when you use Mandata Tracking).
  • Driver Behaviour apps (Driver scorecards for your drivers and driver trainers, when you use Mandata Tracking and Driver behaviour).

6 Ways Mandata Simplifies POD and Invoicing

Receive instant information from your drivers.
Send information to your drivers to avoid making phone calls.
RF SCANNING_Keep track of goods in
Keep customers informed via the Customer Portal.
Receive real-time updates on job progress.
Avoids delays, and problems with lost and illegible paperwork.
Home Page icons_1. Automated --Job creation--
Saves time matching paperwork.

What our customers say

The level of visibility provided by our Mandata systems enables us to react quickly to the daily requirements of an often-challenging sector and provides our customers with added confidence that their goods are in safe hands.

IT Manager, Shepherd Distribution Services

Simplify, save, and prosper
– with a Mandata TMS